How to Improve Recruitment Process: Necessary for Success

Unnati Khushlani
Recruiters drag their feet and present the applicants to the hiring manager. End up in a loop where the most common responses are “We’ll get back to you ”. The reason can be a snag in the recruitment process but when digging into the root problem it’s always complicated.
We’ll drop some truth bombs about recruitment here: Hiring managers has this unapproachable quest for the ‘purple squirrel’s–a candidate with extraordinary skills, where it becomes impossible to balance the expectations of the candidate with the actual talent of the pool. And let’s not forget the episode where recruiters are haunted by the rising phenomenon of the candidate ghosting.
Plus, 93% of employers are doing some sort of hiring and find themselves amid talent draught. In such scenarios, fixing the recruitment process is the only spur for recruiters and hiring managers.
In this blog, we’ve tried to simplify the recruitment process for you in ten simple steps which can help you to battle with contending talent shortages, chasing the perfect candidate, combating candidate ghosting, and battling biases.
So without further ado, let’s get started!
A recruitment process is an ongoing search for potential candidates to fill a skill requirement. The process looks simple outside but once dropped down, includes a journey where the recruiter has to take the candidate through multiple steps of hiring:
There are many reasons why you are not getting results from your process. But let’s first define what a failed recruitment process looks like.
An effective recruitment process will ensure you can find, and hire the best candidates for the roles you are looking to fill.Now, you understand the reasons why you are not hitting it big in recruitment. So what next?
The recruitment process is an absolute necessity if you’re looking to build a robust team. Here’s why?
1. Hire the best candidates:
A structured recruitment process gives you the power of selection. When your recruitment process is in place it helps you to handpick the cream talent. Not only this but also allows you to hit your hiring goals. The rigorous selection process sets the foundation for amazing team members and also helps you to hire the best fit for the roles.
2. Alignment with organization goals:
The recruitment process gives you the opportunity to align with company values, vision and vibe. It is important to resonate with the culture, size, and industry you operate. And the basics will always be the same behind creating an effective recruitment process which is hire the best talent.
3. Building consistency:
An organization is only as strong as its people. The recruitment process allows you to screen individuals who not only contribute to your present success but also shape your future legacy. This ensures long-term growth with consistency and effectiveness in recruiting top talent.
So, there you have it– the reason why you need a recruitment process, now let’s take you through the gateway on how to gear your recruitment process.
So what next? Look beyond the technical skills of the candidate. Find out if they match these qualities and values. Vet them through certain processes. It can be checking the quality of a writer who has been given instructions for a paid writing test — after the writer submits, you can decide to make edits and find out the writer’s reactions, fuming? Or willing to accept feedback?If you don’t set these standards, you will fail in recruiting, worst comes to worst, you hire incompetent employees.
One of the keys that unlock the door of success in recruitment is distribution. There are many communities across different social media channels — Slack, LinkedIn, discord, Twitter mention it.
For example, at Superpath group — managed by Jimmy Daly, hiring managers and C-suite leaders leverage the slack group to post freelance job opportunities.
Don’t think you’d get results just by posting a gig on your company’s careers’ page, no. But don’t get it wrong, it’s not bad to post on your page. There’s room for more leverage on the internet and these communities are your go-to for hiring great talents.
An employee influencer is someone working for a company vetted with authority to increase awareness of the company’s brand and products among a specific demographic.
Many times, your employees have pre-baked topical knowledge about the hiring space and they can help you out by targeting great candidates who are fit for your job roles.
Recently, some employees at Animalz got laid off,you need to see the rate of promotion from their previous and current colleagues about them being open for opportunities. So you see, it’s a better way to recruit.
Talk to your employees, let them know your needs and collaborate with them to ensure you get the best results.
How long do we continue to see job descriptions with payments as — “competitive pay, 401k or high pay based on experience “?
Can we just be clear? Clarity and specificity is the key to recruitment success. Don’t let future employees ask you about price, make it known before they apply — if you do this, you save them time and save your team the time.
Imagine having 100 application forms for a “competitive pay remote software engineer gig”, then after an interview, you state your price of “5k dollars a year” , some candidates fume at that because they are “$10k / year engineers”, what next? You lose them, you fail at recruiting.
What if you stated the price? You sieve out those who are not your targets and attract more serious candidates who are ready to work for your company.
Another vital step to your success in recruitment is leveraging data and analytics to make informed decisions.
You must monitor certain metrics like — source of hires, application format from candidates and the candidate’s experience.
This helps you improve your future recruitment. This way you strategize your job ad description, where you post it to target candidates and state the kind of work experience you want.
“Remote role but only in Canada “, yes I understand that your company’s standard or modus operandi might not accommodate operations from a far distance but that doesn’t mean you should ignore more competent talents just because of their location, background or career histories.
If you want to succeed in recruitment, you must see beyond your borders and continent. There are a lot of special job candidates out there who might not be as privileged as you are but have the skillset and character to help your company get results you never imagined.
So if you want to succeed in recruitment, widen your best of target, look beyond diversified backgrounds and embrace mobility. Actively promote diversity and most importantly, pay every hire what they deserve or merit. It’s not a call to just hire and pay them way below the value they can offer in your brand.
Picture this: You are a job candidate,How would you feel if you got ghosted by a hiring manager midway through the hiring process? Sad, right? And even frustrated.
Okay. Another example: how would you feel as a freelance writer after doing a paid test and you get no feedback on your work? Or after applying for a gig that you feel you should have been hired and yet no feedback?
Crazy right?
Okay. That’s great. You see,you must learn to give back to your candidates, don’t assume that your job applicants aren’t concerned about the reason why they weren’t chosen to be hired.
The solution — be intentional about giving back to your candidates. The Buffer content team played this step perfectly in their recent recruitments.
After reviewing 1500+ applications, they wrote an article detailing reasons behind the choices they made. Here’s what Hailley Griffis had to say in the article:
“Applying for a job can be time-consuming, and we had a detailed application process. It’s understandable that after receiving a rejection email, some applicants were keen for feedback to learn why they weren’t moved forward. We can’t reply to everyone at that volume of applications — though I wish we could!”
They talked about: Themes they saw in applications they didn’t move forward, how they assessed values of applicants, and how they assessed experience.
From these few checklists,you can testify that they had a successful recruitment process. It takes having a system of these 10 best practices to succeed as a recruiter or hiring manager.
Successful recruitment builds a workforce that is fit for the organization’s future. Your recruitment process needs to offer a great candidate experience without compromising on any other element that is required. The question is — are you ready to implement all these practices?
Arm yourself with our advice to level up your recruitment process!
Need a helping hand with recruitment? Contact us, and let’s talk about your project.