Recruiting resources and hiring solutions

The email should contain certain specifics that may have already been discussed during the hiring process. It may include the salary, benefits if any, relevant dates and timelines, onboarding process, and necessary ancillary documentation. It also includes a deadline for the candidate to accept the job and share the same within a set time period. What appears in a job offer letter could be a strong deciding factor for a candidate.

At this final stage of the hiring process, your offer letter should reflect the professionalism the candidate has experienced during the process and can expect the same in the future.

The pre-designed job offer templates provide a structure for the recruitment team to follow and use. It helps them to outline every detail ensuring clear communication and nothing of importance is missed. It also allows for streamlining the process of sending job offers to new candidates. 

Email Template for Job Offer

Subject Line:

One Step Closer to Onboard you at [Company name]

Body Copy:

Dear [Candate Name],

Congratulations! You made it.

It was a pleasure meeting you and getting to know you over the last couple of days. We are delighted to formally extend an offer to you for the position of [Job Title] and your expected start date is set at [date].

This is a [full/part] time position with work timings [time] [day through day]. You will be reporting to the Head of Department [Full Name]. You can see a full list of job responsibilities and expectations in the attached job description.

We are offering you an annual gross salary of [amount] along with [bonus programs if any]. You will also avail of benefits that include [all benefits provided by the company for e.g. health insurance, mobile expenses, travel expenses, parental leave, paid vacation…].

To help you understand a little more about [Company Name], we emphasize on teamwork, diversity and inclusivity, employee happiness and satisfaction, and work-life balance. We empower our employees to make a significant impact on not only their work, but also on the world.

If you choose to accept our offer of employment, you certify your understanding that your employment with [Company Name] is [at-will/fixed-term/part-time]. You are expected to sign a contract for a duration of [time period, if applicable] that agrees on [agreements, nondisclosure, confidentiality, etc.] at the beginning of your employment. We would like to have the signed agreement latest by [date].

Once you accept the offer, our onboarding team will guide you through the entire process helping you to start working smoothly.

In the meantime, should you have any concerns or queries, feel free to reach out to me or [Manager Name] either over email or phone.  

We look forward to welcoming you to our company and are confident you will contribute positively to our [Department Name].

Best Regards,

[Your Name]



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