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Programmer Job Description Template

Now, let’s put it all together in a sample Programmer Job Description:

Job Brief:

We are looking for a Programmer for our organization. The candidate is required to write codes that are highly functional and reliable. You must be able to handle any technical or coding issues and come up with effective, innovative solutions.

You should also have good experience with relational databases and software application development.

To be successful as a Programmer you must be highly analytical, a good problem solver, and must have a keen eye for details.

Your goals will be to develop top-class software designs and applications to achieve the ultimate goals of the organization.


  • Work closely with the complete development department and business analysts to decide the design of the software.
  • Contribute remarkably to the complete development cycle of software applications and programs.
  • Write codes that are highly functional and fulfill the objectives of the organization.
  • Improvise the already written codes in alignment with industrial advancements.
  • Integrate all the software applications and solutions to the high-level systems.
  • Keep testing the codes periodically to check whether the right results are being produced.
  • Debug the codes when required.
  • Take care of the security and efficiency of the system and keep upgrading the applications accordingly.
  • Work along with technical writers to produce proper documentation.


  • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or any other related course.
  • Proven experience as a Programmer or in any other relevant role.
  • Good working experience with web development frameworks like JSF, Spring MVC. etc.
  • Good hand on programming languages like C++, Java, XML, Python, etc.
  • Deep knowledge of relational databases and ORM Technologies.
  • A keen eye for details.
  • Ability to find and resolve issues.
  • Good analytical mind and critical thinking skills.

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Programmer Job Description FAQs:

Salaries depend on location and years of experience involved. But on average a Programmer on an entry-level earn about ₹395K / yr per year.

Posting this job description on various job boards such as AdzunaZipRecruiterindeedmonster and CareerJet can help get you better reach. Using an ATS like Recooty can help save you a great deal of manual work! This allows you to post jobs to more than 20+ job sites on a single click. A quick Recooty sign up could be done from here – Recooty.

Top qualities of a Programmer are:

Good problem solving skills:

A number of problems arise during the building process of any software. It is the responsibility of a programmer to figure out the compiling errors in a particular code. You are supposed to come up with an effective solution for every problem that arises in between. Thus, it is important that you have very good problem-solving skills and you must enjoy the complete process.

All rounded knowledge:

To solve real-time issues it is very important for the Programmer to have knowledge of a number of technologies. You cannot solve real-time issues by knowing just one technology. Having deep knowledge of at least one technology is good. But with that, you need to have a basic understanding of almost all the technologies used in the organization.

Good learning skills:

We know that there is a continuous advancement in the technological world. The growth in the technological industry is very fast. We also know that to be able to solve real-time issues you must have all-rounded knowledge. Thus, the candidate must have good learning and grasping skills.

Confident personality:

To be extra-ordinary it is essential for the candidate to come up with new ideas and solutions. But to be able to voice your opinions and your ideas in public it is important to have confidence. From small suggestions to big ideas, confidence helps an individual to speak up and stand out in a crowd.

Communication skills:

The Programmer has to deal with many people within the organization. You need to do this in order to decide the perfect design and infrastructure of a system. To be able to understand everybody’s point of view and voice your opinions in the right way communication skills are important.

Teamwork spirit:

A good project in the real-world is always possible with the combined efforts of every team member. To become an ideal Programmer you must have the habit of dealing with people. It is important to have good relations with people within the organization.

Time management skills:

A good programmer is always aware and alert about the deadlines of the project. In the industry, it is important for you to stay in your words and fulfill all your promises. Your promise of delivering the project on a particular date should not get delayed at any cost. So to be able to do all of this in proper time, good time management skills are important.


In the industry and in the organizations the priorities and projects often change. With the change in the organization’s priority and the project you a Programmer has to change his focus. These changes can be small or big depending on the shift in the organizational priorities. The changes can also permanent or temporary. In every situation, it is important for you to be calm and professional. You always have to give your best and generate the best results for the goodwill of the organization.

Ownership of the product:

The programmer’s job is not done by just compiling the code and passing the test cases. You have to pay attention to every problem or issue that surrounds the development process. This helps you to understand the bigger picture of the project. You can also understand the effect of the project build by you in the real world. This in turn helps to have ownership of your project.

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