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NLP Engineer Job Description Template

Here’s a sample job description template for the position of NLP Engineer Job:

Job Brief :

We are looking for an NLP Engineer for our company. The Candidate should be capable of processing natural language data and converting it into useful items for Natural Language Processing applications.

In detail, you have to transform natural data into features useful to feed into classification algorithms.

You will have to work closely with the R&D team for the progress of the ongoing project.

To excel in this job you should have excellent statistical skills and a deep understanding of machine learning methods. Your aim should be to build well-organized Natural Language Processing applications according to the needs of the organization.

Responsibilities :

  • Analyze and transform natural language data.
  • Build Natural Language Processing applications by using features developed by transformation of natural language data.
  • Identify appropriate dataset for the application of Machine Learning methods.
  • Adopt powerful text representations for the transformation of natural language into effective features.
  • Identify and implement the tools and algorithms appropriate for Natural language processing assignments.
  • Enhance the Natural Language Processing system.
  • Carry out evaluation experiments and train the developed model.
  • Execute statistical analysis of developed models.
  • Extend Machine Learning Libraries and frameworks for NLP projects.
  • Be updated with the growing field of Machine Learning.

Requirements :

  • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and other related courses.
  • Proven experience as a Natural Language Processing Engineer or other similar roles.
  • Good understanding of Natural Language Processing tricks and techniques for semantic extraction, data structure, and modeling.
  • Deep knowledge of text representation.
  • Acquaintance with R language, Python, and Java.
  • Good knowledge of Machine Learning frameworks such as eras, PyTorch, etc.
  • Ability to code and design software architectures.
  • Problem-solving abilities, communication skills, and analytical mind.

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NLP Engineer Job Description FAQs:

Salaries depend on location and years of experience involved. But on average, an NLP Engineer on an entry-level earns about $74,822 per year.

Posting this job description on various job boards such as AdzunaZipRecruiter and CareerJet can help get you a better reach of the candidates. Using an ATS like Recooty can help save you a great deal of manual work! This allows you to post jobs to more than 500+ free job posting sites with a single click.

NLP Engineer is one of the most sought-after professional programmers in the job market.

– Healthcare,

– Manufacturing,


– Advertisement and Media,

– Product Companies

– Automotive,

– Customer Service,

– Market Intelligence,

– Retail,

– Transportation,

– Telecommunication

are some industries that look out for NLP engineers.

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