10 Best Emotional Quotient Interview Questions

Emotional Quotient (EQ) or Emotional Intelligence. Surely, we’ve all heard of these terms plenty of times. We’ve all sorted through some of the sleazy articles available online on the subject of EQ and its importance. However, it is very important for recruiters and HR professionals to understand that the Emotional Quotient is way more than just a buzzword. A great employee is one with perfect Intelligence as well as an Emotional Quotient. Here are the 10 best emotional quotient interview questions to help you hire the best.

What Is Emotional Intelligence?

To understand this post better, let’s first try to understand what is emotional intelligence. Typically defining, emotional intelligence is the ability to analyze information emotionally and guide one’s thinking and behavior accordingly. A person with a high EQ level can easily empathize with others, build long-lasting relationships, and can easily manage their emotions and feelings in a healthy way.

A world-renowned behavioral scientist, Daniel Goleman said that

“the part of the brain which supports emotional and social intelligence is the last circuitry of the brain to become anatomically mature and because of neuroplasticity, the brain shapes itself according to repeated experience”.

Why Test EQ Of Candidates?

Let’s discuss the importance of employees having a good EQ. Over the last few years, having a good EQ has become a necessity for employees to function productively. Emotionally intelligent individuals have great people skills. They can adapt themselves to any situation and relate to their colleagues and coworkers. Especially in the current situation, where remote work is the new normal and employees are forced to work remotely, having great emotional intelligence is a trait every hiring manager seeks within their employees.

Did you know that about 23% of newly hired employees fail within the first 18 months due to low emotional intelligence? That’s a huge number! So, assessing the candidates for EQ is extremely important. The most effective way of doing so is while interviewing them. So, to help you assess your candidates properly here’s a list of carefully curated 10 best emotional quotient interview questions.

10 Best Emotional Quotient Interview Questions To Test Your Candidates

1. Who Inspires You And Why?

This question will reveal a lot about the personality of your candidates. It will give you an idea about who your candidates look up to and will probably take after. It will also give you an insight into the behavioral patterns the candidate envies. Of course, to spot fake answers you can always ask the candidate about the person they mention.

2. Tell Me About A Time You Tried To Do Something And Failed

How a person tackled failures portrays a lot about their ability to cope with unplanned situations. This question will make it clear if the candidate is honest about their failures. You will get to see if they’re mature enough to own up and take responsibility for their mistakes.

3. How Would You Resolve A Conflict Between Your Co-Workers?

EQ is all about one’s ability to understand others and getting them. Of course, to be able to resolve a conflict, one must know the two parties. So, this question is perfect to assess a candidate’s willingness in knowing their colleagues.

4. How Do You Handle Criticism Or Negative Feedback? Explain With An Example

One of the most important aspects of assessing one’s EQ is the ability to handle criticism. Candidates with a high EQ are always well capable of dealing with criticism or negative feedback. So, this question will tell you what feelings your candidates experienced while dealing with criticism.

5. Describe About A Time When You Had To Adapt

The ability to adapt to changing situations is of great importance when it comes to modern workspaces. It cannot be stressed enough. The greatest example of the importance of this trait is when employees had to transition to remote work. due to the pandemic. That’s why this question can be a great way to judge the adaptability of a candidate.

6. What Is Your Greatest Achievement That You’re Proud Of?

This may seem like a mainstream question but if paid close attention to, it can tell a lot about the candidate. A regular candidate may tell you about times they completed an individual project. However, a candidate with high EQ will always talk about their achievements as a team. They will tell you how their team put in collaborative efforts and completed a project, or won a competition.

7. What Are Your Strengths And Weaknesses?

Self-awareness is a major part of emotional intelligence. You would need team members who are self-aware. Individuals who understand their own feelings, values, motivation. People who can keep a check on themselves and improve themselves.

8. Tell Me About A Time When You Had A Conflict With Someone At Work

A person with high emotional intelligence is always mindful of their actions. Everyone gets frustrated and angry at some point or another. What really matters is how they deal with it. While they answer this question, look for instances where they get really fired up.

9. Can You Tell Me About A Time You Needed To Ask For Help On A Project?

Being confident is obviously a desirable quality in a candidate. However, disasters happen when this confidence turns to overconfidence. A high EQ person will always have a deep understanding of their limitations and will never hesitate in asking for help.

10. If Asked, What Would Your Co-Workers Say About How It Feels Working With You?

It takes a deep understanding of oneself and well as their peers to actually answer this question. Candidates with a high EQ will know their strengths and limitations in the workplace. Also, they would understand how they come off to their colleagues. Look for the candidate’s reaction to this question and how they perceive their co-worker’s criticisms.

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